Bobble Head

What are BobbleHeads

What are bobbleheads?

Bobbleheads also are known as head knockers, nodders, bobbing head dolls, and wobblers are customized dolls with oversized heads. The heads are connected to a body by a spring in a manner that they bobble once tapped. Due to their wobbling effect, they have earned the name of bobblehead in regard to their figurines. The bobbleheads are collectable miniature dolls and represent a wide range of subjects including celebrities, team mascots, politicians, cartoons, musicians, athletes, sports stars, cooks, doctors and police.

How did bobbleheads originate?

Today the bobbleheads are considered as the perfect gifting item. They are available in a plethora of designs including Batman, Superwoman, Pop Stars and also as customized person miniatures. The popularity of these nodders is such that today, whether it be Pope Francis or Shakira or Bollywood’s king Shah Rukh Khan Bobbleheads, are available for them all. The popularity of bobbleheads is such that January 7 is celebrated as National Bobblehead Day. While the bobbleheads are customizable and have many fans following, but along with this they also have a rich history. However have you ever wondered how did they originate?

As per sources and records, the bobbleheads originated from string dolls in Japan and China. The first actual bobblehead was made in Germany. Although the first bobblehead reference can be traced back to a Russian short story, ‘The Overcoat’ by Gogol. In the story, one of the characters has a resemblance to the appearance of a bobblehead. The character had necks of plaster cats that would nod their heads. During the early 19th-century porcelain bobbleheads were made available in limited quantities in the market. The first-ever bobblehead that first went into production was between the late 1700s and early 1800s. Most of the bobbleheads sold in the US market were produced in Germany, and the import trade of bobbleheads increased between the 19th century. In 1960 the first every bobblehead sports series were created, and they were made of paper mache. The sports series had bobbleheads which resembled the players of Major League Baseball. Gradually with the increased demand for bobbleheads, they were made to resemble cartoon characters, sports personalities, pop stars and celebrities. The resurgence of the bobbleheads was promoted due to the cheaper manufacturing process. Over the years, the variety of bobblehead production has increased. The popularity of bobbleheads is such that they are manufactured across the globe like in India they are made as Thanjavur dolls.

What are the different types of bobblehead dolls?

 The first bobbleheads were initially made from ceramic. However, with changing times, the bobbleheads were also made from porcelain and later on were made from plastic as well. The plastic bobbleheads comprised of two variants which included a durable, sturdy mould and the other a flocked and sturdy type. The benefits of the plastic bobbleheads are enough, and one of the best ones is their flexibility of design and its lightweight. The ceramic style of bobbleheads was popular back in the 19th century because they were delicate.

Why are bobbleheads so popular?

 Ever wondered why these miniature big-headed nodding figures gained so much popularity? The real reason behind the popularity of the bobbleheads is their realistic appearances and fun wobbling. The realistic appearances along with their outlast figurines. The bobbleheads look like a miniature version of the people. The whimsicalness of the bobbleheads has made them a priced collection for the doll collectors.

Over time the demand for customized bobbleheads has increased. Now there are several online portals which take orders for bobblehead customization. No longer are the bobbleheads limited to being just collectable items. Instead, now they have become a gifting item and décor essential.

 So this is all about bobbleheads. Did you find the post informative? Share with us your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.

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